Saturday, December 1, 2012

the Roots of Rise

Hey Everyone,
I can't thank you all enough. All of the positive feedback we've been getting for the new menu, bakery items, and seasonal beverages has been overwhelming. Seeing everyone come in and stray from their favourite dishes to try something new that we put so much effort into gives me a feeling that is completely unparalleled. Thanks, so much, from the bottom of my heart.

To keep everyone involved with our constantly evolving menus, ideas and even vacation plans. I have a few crucial updates.

-We'll be closed from August 20th to 26th, and we'll be re-opened to resume our regular hours on the 28th. Everyone who works here at Rise Above works very hard every day and we don't get to take much time off. So we decided we'd all take a vacation at the same time so we don't get jealous of each other, and can still remain friends. We'll be doing this twice a year. In august, and the first week of January. I figured I'd drop the January information on you now, to turn this into a double negative, pretty positive eh?

-We'll be launching another new menu in September, I know it's pretty quick. But since we started at our new location half way through a season, and changed the menu half way through a season, we decided to start fresh this fall and keep everything exciting.

-We'll be changing our hours. We're going to open an hour later, and close an hour later. So the hours will be 11-10. This hour change will correspond with the menu change. We'll announce the date as soon as possible.

-We're going to go back to the roots of Rise Above and bring back our tasting menu dinner parties. Either for week services, or as a special night. Let us know what you think?

If you aren't a friend on Facebook, you should try it out. You'll be kept in the loop a lot more.

Thanks again for everything.

-Kyle W. Paton


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